Sunday, March 24, 2013

Family Home Evening

Opening Song: The Family (Children's Songbook) 194
When the fam'ly gets together, after evening work is done,
Then we learn to know each other, popping corn and having fun.
Then our father tells a story, mother leads us in a song,
And it seems that nothing in this world could possibly go wrong.
Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 68:28
And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.


Sense of Prioritizing
“You have to establish in your life some sense of prioritizing things, of giving emphasis to the important things and of laying aside the unimportant things that will lead to nothing. Establish a sense of justice, a sense of what is good and what is not good, what is important and is not important; and that can become a marvelous and wonderful blessing in your lives.”
(Gordon B. Hinckley - devotional, Utah Salt Lake City Mission, 15 Dec. 2001).

Family Home Evening
“What is the great strength of [this] Church? … It is the emphasis which we place on families. … Keep your families close together and love and honor your children”
(Gordon B. Hinckley - meeting, Reykjavík, Iceland, 11 Sept. 2002).
Picture Perfect Family
For example, insisting that you have a picture-perfect family home evening each week—even though doing so makes you and everyone around you miserable—may not be the best choice. Instead, ask yourself, “What could we do as a family that would be enjoyable and spiritual and bring us closer together?” That family home evening—though it may be modest in scope and execution—may have far more positive long-term results.  (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
Closing Song: Families Can Be Together Forever (Hymn 300)
1. I have a fam'ly here on earth.
They are so good to me.
I want to share my life with them through all eternity.
Fam'lies can be together forever
Through Heav'nly Father's plan.
I always want to be with my own family,
And the Lord has shown me how I can.
The Lord has shown me how I can.
2. While I am in my early years,
I'll prepare most carefully,
So I can marry in God's temple for eternity.